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Buffy was whistling. While the act itself may not be remarkable, the fact that Buffy was striding up the staircase blithely and whistling the theme song to Bewitched was a sure sign that the girl was happy. And everyone knows what happens when Buffy’s happy… Things go wrong. At least that’s how she saw it. It wasn’t until something actually went wrong that this philosophy of how bad things came to be popped into her head. It was her way of blaming herself for all the bad things that happened. Allowing herself to be happy leaves her unprepared for the horrors ahead, and sets up for the blame and guilt that will nearly cripple her in the time of crisis. This was one of those moments. One of those happy moments where nothing could go wrong. She’d just staked the most renowned vampire in the world. She won, she fought the thrall. She did taste his blood, and while that was an unpleasant memory to stick with her, it made her realize something about herself. And when you’re a confused, complex girl like Buffy, understanding anything about yourself brings immense joy. Buffy stopped at her mother’s bedroom doorway on the way to her room. “I’m outta here. Riley and I are going to the movies. “Okay. Have a good time,” she said distractedly. Buffy’s carefree attitude disappeared when she saw someone in her room, most likely there to steal her clothes. “What are you doing here?” She really should get a lock for her door. The girl turned and glared at Buffy, who glared right back at her. “Buffy?” Joyce called through the walls. “If you're going out, why don't you take your sister?” Buffy and Dawn turned towards the doorway with annoyance. “Mom!” Joyce appeared in Buffy’s bedroom doorway seconds later. “I’ve got the opening at the gallery tonight and I don’t want Dawn to be here all alone.” “Mom, I’m going on a date with my boyfriend!” “Please, Mom, I’ll be fine,” Dawn said quickly. “I really don’t want to sit through the movie while they’re making out.” “Babysitter,” Buffy added suddenly. “We could ask Xander and Anya to baby-sit.” “Baby-sit?” Dawn replied with indignation. “I don’t need a babysitter—I’m fourteen!” “Your sister’s right, Dawn. I’d feel better if Xander was here while we were gone.” Dawn perked up when she hears Xander’s name, apparently having missed Buffy’s mention of him. “Xander? Okay!” she said with a smile. “When’s he coming over?” The doorbell rang and all three heads turned to the doorway. “Well that was fast,” Joyce commented as Buffy went to open the door. She and Dawn followed her down the stairs. She smiled as the door swung open. “Hey. Come on in.” “You don’t have to invite me in every time, luv. Just the once will do.” Spike bent down and gave Buffy a quick hello kiss. “I know, I just like to.” “Hey there, Nibblet.” Dawn blushed and grinned broadly. “Hey, Spike.” He gave her a charming smile before turning his attention to her mother. Dawn sighed. Her sister had the coolest boyfriend. What on earth did he see in her?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel
belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the WB and UPN Networks, and etc.
Veronica Mars
belongs to Rob Thomas and UPN. This is
not an
official site,
and no copyright infringement is intended.
Unrequited - est. May 26, 2005.