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Chapter One

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Buffy was glad that everyone else was asleep. She could do with some sleep herself, but she was too exhausted to be sleepy. God, that didn’t even make sense.

She found herself on one of the lounge chairs by the pool, her feet pulled close to her as she examined her jeans. Buffy ran her finger along the long, red line that started at her hip and ran midway down her thigh. These were her favorite jeans, and now they were her only jeans, so it seemed fitting that they’d have blood on them. Buffy still hadn’t showered, which meant that she was still covered with dirt and blood herself. As gross as it sounded, she didn’t want to wash off the last physical remnants of Sunnydale. Not yet.

There was no moon out and the sky was littered with thousands of stars. Buffy looked up at them, almost surprised when she felt warm tears rolling down her cheeks. She couldn’t help but wonder as she gazed up at the heavens… where did he go? Was he where she had been, or was he suffering?

Buffy wiped at her tears. This wasn’t fair. Spike went out and got his soul for her; he died to save everyone and he was going to burn for it? That couldn’t be right. That shouldn’t be right.

But some part of her remembered what he was and that he was condemned from the moment he was turned. So she wept for him, clutching her arms tightly over her chest to calm the sobbing so it wouldn’t wrack her entire body. The wound in her belly had stopped bleeding, but it was still painful. Buffy was grateful for the physical pain; it was like an outlet for all the emotional pain inside of her.

Last night she’d slept in his arms and now he was gone. Buffy couldn’t even begin to imagine what it would be like to sleep tonight. It should be easy, she thought, since the weight of the world was no longer resting on her shoulders. There was nothing coming after them, the Hellmouth was gone and it was all over.

She was happy. Really, she was. When Buffy took the time to look at the big picture, at the fact that she was no longer the Chosen One, burdened with the troubles of the world, she felt happiness. But right now she needed to cry.

God, she was missing him so much already and it hadn’t even been a full day since…

She’d told him that she loved him. The words were true, in a way, and she felt their truth even more so now than she had in the moment she’d spoken them. She loved him. She loved him because he tried to be a better man and because he loved her for what she was, not for what she could be. She’d started falling for him the day he took the beating from Glory and nearly died protecting Dawn’s secret. She didn’t want to tell anyone at the time, and she didn’t really want to admit it to herself. But she’d seen him change, and after she came back he was the only one she could trust with her misery.

But it wasn’t just that, she realized while watching the still surface of the pool glowing at her, its glistening depths beckoning her in vain. When she was with him she felt hope that she could love, and she even felt that he could be the one. But she’d always kick him in the face and storm out of his crypt or wherever it was they’d been, angry at him for making her feel anything towards him except revulsion. She’d been so cruel, and yet still he wanted her. Spike traveled the world to get the one thing they both knew would make a difference, and when she saw him for the first time in the basement, wild and helpless, she fell for him again. Her heart was weak, she couldn’t help it. It still wasn’t love, though. It was something else.

The desire to love him? Was that what her feelings were, just desire?

Buffy shook her head, growing angry with herself. She should’ve loved him more than she did. She should have told him sooner, and she should’ve meant it more. That’s the thing about hindsight – it’s always 20/20.

She sniffed and rose from the lounge chair, wincing slightly at the pain in her side. Walking to the edge of the pool, Buffy slowly knelt and peered down at her reflection, frowning at what she saw. She didn’t look any different, but she was a completely different person. Her battle scars were fading, and the bigger scars of loss and pain weren’t visible on the outside. Not unless you counted the frown on her face.

Buffy placed her hands on the edge of the cement and leaned forward, considering the option to just fall in and let the water wash it all away. It’d just make everything worse, though, and chlorine can’t be good for stab wounds. She’d been staring at her own face for so long that she gasped when she saw it. She would’ve been surprised either way—he was dead, after all. Buffy stared at Spike’s reflection and realized that she must be imagining things, because even if he were alive he wouldn’t be casting a reflection. Unless…

Buffy whipped her head around to look behind her, but he wasn’t there. No one was there. She exhaled slowly in a sigh of disappointment and looked back down at the water.

There he was.

She turned to look behind her and then back down at the water. Buffy wasn’t imagining things, he was really there. Except he wasn’t.

“Spike?” she whispered, her voice trembling in fear and hope as she reached towards the water. Her hand broke the surface and the water rippled, but when it stilled he was still there. Watching her.

Blaming her.


She didn’t turn around when she heard Dawn’s tired voice from behind her, or when she felt her sister standing beside her.

“Can you see it?” Buffy asked desperately, pointing to the water.

“See what?” Dawn asked, following Buffy’s finger.

“Right there. Look!”

Dawn frowned. “I think it’s just a leaf, Buffy. What are you doing out here?”

Buffy tore her eyes away from the water to look at her sister’s face. Dawn’s heart fell at what she saw.

“Is this… were you crying? Is it Spike?”

Buffy’s eyes were wide as she surveyed the water’s surface once again. Nothing. “Yeah,” she replied, closing her eyes and allowing the last of her tears to fall. “But I’m okay,” she told Dawn. She took her sister’s offered hand and stood. “I just need some sleep.”

Dawn smiled and nodded. “I think it’ll do you good. And hey, it will get better.” Her smile brightened. “It has to, right?”

Buffy pasted on a smile and nodded. She’d been prepared to move on, but something wasn’t letting her.

Someone didn’t want her to forget.







Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the WB and UPN Networks, and etc. Veronica Mars
belongs to Rob Thomas and UPN. This is not an official site, and no copyright infringement is intended.

Unrequited -  est. May 26, 2005.